Caring for the Care Providers

Continuing education


Community building

If you have an offering you’d like to share with the community, drop us a line at!

  • Herbs for Lactation, Babies & Perinatal Endocrine Health: Friday April 11th

    Melissa Cole IBCLC facilitates this one-day, in-depth class is for professionals supporting families in the postpartum period.

    Topics include:

    * Herbal care basics: Safety, resources, contraindications, herb-drug interactions

    * Herbal support for lactation & milk production

    * Perinatal endocrine health: thyroid, glycemic index, iron, adrenals, inflammation and pain

    * Infant digestion

    Details: Friday April 11, 9am - 4:30pm, $199

    Location: Loving Arms/East Bay Lactation Associates: 1260 45h Street Emeryville

  • Doula Skills Day: Sunday April 27th

    Refresh your memory and learn new skills to support your clients in this morning workshop for and by perinatal providers!

    * Using Infant Reflexes to Make Latching Easier - Molly Brannigan, IBCLC

    * How Doulas can Support Pelvic Health - Dr. Shaunic Stanford, PT/DPT

    * Acupressure & Moxibustion for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum - Kathy Woo, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Hypnotherapist

    Details: Sunday April 27, 9am - 12:30pm, $40

    Location: Loving Arms 1260 45th Street Emeryville

  • Yiska Obadia Comforting Touch for Doulas

    Comforting Touch for Doulas with Yiska Obadia: Sunday May 4th

    Do you ever worry about not knowing what to do with your hands with your clients?

    Do you feel unsure about how close or how deep to go with your touch? 

    Or do you already feel confident and simply want to expand your repertoire to bring more comfort and support to laboring people with your touch? 

    Yiska Obadia’s Comforting Touch for Doulas is a training for the doula of any experience level who wants to add more skillful touch to their bag of tricks! With 30 years of massage practice and 23 years of doula experience, Yiska’s amazing one-day workshop will teach you what you need to know to tend your clients in birth!

    Details: Sunday May 4th, 10am - 5pm, $250

    Location: Loving Arms 1260 45th St Emeryville